July, 2016
SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL TO BE RE-BID: According to ODOT, the project was re-bid on July 14, 2016. The bid was again over the estimate by $24,850.01. The SRTS Program Manager has agreed to add this amount to our award but that we would be responsible for any change orders over this award amount. They can’t guarantee that there will or won’t be change orders. We have to make this decision at Monday night’s council meeting and I have to let them know Tuesday morning if we want to proceed. Estimated construction timeframe would be sometime in September and/or October.
MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS: The minimum housing standards were mailed out to 52 landlords that have properties in the village. I have only had a few questions on the ordinance. I did include a letter explaining the process and have included a copy of that letter for council. A copy of the contract is enclosed between the village and housing inspector is enclosed. Melanie does not feel we need an ordinance on this contract, so the ordinance listed on the agenda has been crossed out.
BRUSH PILE AT THE SEWER PLANT: We are currently working on the paperwork to register the sewer plant’s compost site. A map of the sewer plant has been developed by Poggemeyer from existing 1980 site plans for the plant. Once we can mark where the compost will be located, we will send the application in to EPA. Until such time we would ask that residents try not to take anything out to the site if they help it. We may have to move some of the existing brush to ensure we are at least 200 feet from any outlet to North Creek and there is a lot of brush there right now. We also are having concrete and other trash left at the sewer plant, we have to find a way to stop this practice as it will have to be removed according to EPA. I would ask that the Utility Committee scheduled a meeting at Monday’s council meeting so we can develop a plan on how to handle the site. Utility Committee Members are Rudy Reeb, Steve Derck and Ken Reinhart.
FIRE DEPARTMENT TANKER TRUCK BID OPENING: The bid for the tanker truck was opened on Wednesday, June 13, 2016. One bid was received from Fouts Brothers of Smyrna, Georgia for $202,197.00. The Village was awarded $100,000.00 in Local Government Safety Capital Grant dollars and the balance will be paid for by Carryall Township by means of a fire levy recently passed to support our fire protection services. As this is a reimbursing grant, the Village will need to borrow the total amount of the tanker purchase through a loan from the Antwerp Bank. Once proof is provided to the State of Ohio of the purchase, the $100,000 will be sent to the Village to apply to the bank loan. I have spoken to Antwerp Bank and they will finance this purchase and loan for the balance. As note in our memorandum of understanding with Carryall Township they will supply the Village with $10,000.00 in 2016 and starting in 2017 they will pay $17,000.00 for a period of ten (10) years. In addition Harrison Township will provide $3,714.00 in 2016; $3,788.00 in 2017 and $3,864.00 in 2018 to the Village for Fire Protection Services.
Melanie is reviewing the bid and we should have her recommendation on awarding the bid for Monday nights’ council meeting.
STREET IMPROVEMENT BUDGET/PERMISSIVE TAX INCREASE: As you maybe aware the street budget for the village is very limited. Each year the village has approximately $20,000 to $25,000 available through permissive tax (license plate renewals) which we received approximately $8,500 per year which represents a $5.00 per license plate renewal or new plate, approximately $8,500 to $9,000 from the County Engineer’s Office for a permissive tax that the County has on and they give a portion of their receipts to the Village; and some Motor Vehicle Fees from the State of Ohio and Gas Tax. This year patching and paving came to $8,100.00 for Village streets and $25,380.00 to repair Water Plant Drive. This was over and above what we have available for repair. This writer and the Mayor Delong approached Antwerp School to share in the cost of repair to Water Plant Drive and they agree to pay half of the $25,380.00, which brought this year’s street repair within our budget.
In researching permissive tax, I discovered that the Village could put an additional $5.00 per tag renewal on through ordinance. Unfortunately when I found this out it was passed the July 1st deadline by the state to get it passed and to them to be effect on January 1, 2017. So, if we pass this ordinance, it will go into effect January 1, 2018 and generate an additional $8,500.00. This would effectively bring in $17,000.00 directly to the village from $10.00 license renewal fees per vehicle. We would still receive the approximate $8,500 to $9,000 from the County towards street repair for a total of approximately $30,000 per year. This still does not allow me to repave an entire street in the village. I feel we have to levy this additional tax as we are having a hard time keeping roads repaired. I have asked Poggemeyer for their suggestions on how to access some additional funding for street repair that doesn’t involve loans. They will research and get back to us.
W. WASHINGTON STREET SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks on W. Washington Street have been marked for repair and notices have been sent to property owners. Please note not all of W. Washington Street has sidewalks and the areas without sidewalks cannot be made to put them in according to our sidewalks ordinance. Just wanted to remind council of this should you receive any complaints. The property owners have until October 31, 2016 to repair their sidewalks. The Village will be responsible for some sections of sidewalks that need repair that abut intersections.