Village of Antwerp Parks
Riverside Veterans Memorial Park
Riverside Veterans Memorial Park, aka Riverside Park, is located on East River Street and occupies approximately 10 acres of property. This park offers a great deal of summer shade provided by old-growth native trees and access to the Maumee River. Owned and operated by the Village of Antwerp, this park offers the following amenities: Veterans Memorial, Playground, Group Pavilion with electricity (reservations allowed), Picnic Pavilions, charcoal bar-b-que grills, Canoe and Kayak launch site – Maumee River Water Trail, River Mile 99, Kayak launch at Riverside Park, Hiking Trail, Fishing, Restrooms with Drinking Fountain.
Antwerp Community Park
Antwerp Community Park is located on Woodcox St and is also accessible from Madison St. This park is owned and operated by the Antwerp Ball Association and offers the following amenities: Major League Field at Antwerp Community Park, 2 little league baseball diamonds, 1 major league baseball diamond, Practice batting cage, Outdoor basketball court, Bleacher seating, Concession stand, and Restrooms.

Antwerp Greenway Park
Antwerp Greenway Park is located on North Main Street next to Town Hall. Owned and operated by the Village of Antwerp, this site offers the following amenities: Lighted Tennis Court, also striped for Pickleball, Picnic tables with shade and a charcoal bar-b-que. Pickleball league is held on Wednesday evenings in the summer.

Native Prairie Garden
Native Prairie Garden is located on Harmann Road next to Antwerp Local Schools. Owned and operated by Antwerp Local Schools, this two-acre property is home to native grasses and flowers and offers a shelter pavilion and walking paths to enjoy nature.

Wayne R Carr Lake
Wayne R Carr Lake is located just west of the village on County Road 11. This property is owned and operated by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and offers a 12.7-acre fishing lake created as a part of the new highway development. There is a boat launch on-site, no-wake speed on the water, fishing license required, additional rules and regulations are posted –

Forder Bridge Access Site
Forder Bridge Access Site is located east of the village on County Road 73. This property is owned and operated by the Black Swamp Conservancy and offers access to the Maumee River Water Trail, River Mile 91.3. This is a primitive property that allows fishing and campfires along with some walking trials.
Parks & Recreation News
Antwerp Day in the Park August 9, 2025
This year, the Antwerp Day in the Park will take place on August 9, 2025. The public is cordially invited, so come out and enjoy the festivity!
Bid Package for Splash Pad Supplies
The Village of Antwerp will receive sealed bids for the materials needed to install their splash pad. The splash pad will be located at Riverside Park in the Village of Antwerp. Bids will be received in the Village of Antwerp’s Administrator’s Office located at 503 W...
Grant’s Catering & Smokin’ Wheels BBQ At Riverside Park September 26th
Maumee River Water Trail Updates
Reminder of the upcoming meeting to introduce the Maumee River Water Trail to local citizens is scheduled to be held at the Paulding County Public Library on Monday, February 13 from 5:30 to 7:00pm. For those who may not be able to attend and would like to see a...
Public Open House Maumee Water Trail
Tennis Court Refurbish
The Antwerp Rotary has been fundraising for some time and has recently begun work efforts to refurbish the village tennis court. The court will have a new slab of concrete, additional drainage, and a sanded acrylic finish like those used on many tennis courts (shown...
New Hiking Trail at Riverside Park
The Antwerp Boy Scout Troop 143 has begun working to create a hiking trail in the lower portion of the property at Riverside Park. The project is the Eagle Scout project for Josh Ehlinger, who will head up work efforts. The trail will make a loop on what used to be...
Rain Gardens at Riverside Park
Sara Keeran and Nancy Lichty are heading a project to introduce Rain Gardens into the park to help resolve some drainage issues the park has developed over the years. The plan is to install a couple of gardens to help absorb some of the ponding that occurs near the...
Canoe and Kayak Launch at Riverside Park
Mark Greenwood has been visiting with numerous agencies over the past months to determine how we can create a canoe kayak launch at Riverside Park. The ACDC has agreed to partner on this project, Jim Pendergrast is representing the ACDC. We will be surveying the...