August, 2018
The construction of the new lift station continues. Foundry sand used as backfill when the original sewer system was installed in the 80s has resulted in additional time spent by the contractor in excavating the new 40 foot wet well. The foundry sand has become like concrete and this has put the construction back approximately 2 and a half weeks. The excavating is done and the new wet well is being placed this week. In order to save time and money plus avoid the very good chance that foundry sand was used at the N. Main Street site it has been determined that the existing wet well on N. Main Street will be reused instead of installing new.
Utility Committee met on August 15, 2018 and discussed the substandard structures owned by Ehrhart properties located at 104 and 105 Mervin. This writer had sent a notice to Ehrhart properties outlining that the structures were in poor condition and that they needed to be either repaired or torn down. The Ehrharts responded to this letter with the attached response. Utility Committee decided to go forward and send a certified, return receipt letter directing the Ehrhart Properties to complete repairs to make the structure reasonably safe condition within 30 days. If within 30 days after receipt of this letter the owners may appear before council and present evidence that the building or structure is not in such an advanced state of disrepair as it endanger the health, safety and welfare of the public, therefore, not creating a public nuisance. If no appeal is filed within the thirty day period the council shall order the Village Administrator to advertise for bids for the demolition and removal of the building, dwelling or structure (unless demolition costs do not exceed $25,000.00) in accordance with requirements of all applicable governmental building and/or zoning codes. In the event council is apprised that the owner has appealed its determination to the property state court, than all proceedings shall be stayed pending final determination to the proper state court and appellate courts. As noted in Ehrhart’s letter they state they have contacted a contractor to review the issue. This still does not absolve them for informing council of their plans to repair these structures, so utility committee is recommending that we proceed with formal notice to repair or face demolition.
Unfortunately the village’s application for sidewalk funds for S. Erie Street was not funded by the Ohio Department of Transportation. ODOT stated the applications were all too competitive. Just received word on this on 8/14/18.
The Village’s additional funding needed to go forward on the water plant improvements was approved by OWDA on July 26, 2018. The Village received $67,689.00 from OWDA with a yearly repayment of $3,446.56. Contract documents and a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor have been executed by the Mayor. A pre-construction meeting with the village and contractor will be scheduled and the improvements can move forward. The project is estimated to cost a total of $226,639.00, the village received the balance of the project money through the Ohio Public Works Commission.
As required by state law, the village has to complete an asset management plan of the village’s water system before October of this year. After the state put this law in effect they require Ohio EPA to come up with the guidelines on what the plan would cover. Unfortunately their final determination was not issued until this summer which doesn’t give us that long to complete the plan. The Village received a grant/principal forgiveness from the Water Supply Revolving Loan fund in the amount of $10,000.00 and an additional $12,704.00 in zero interest loan funds to complete this plan. The plan includes the GIS mapping of all of the village’s hydrants and valves. This will allow the utility department to locate on a computer tablet all valves and hydrants from anywhere in the village. This will assist in shutting down or isolating areas affected by waterline breaks or planned improvements. I have provided council with the break-down of all that is required by this asset management plan in prior months. This is a huge undertaking but will provide a much needed inventory of all water system assets, evaluation and replacement estimates on improvements to the water system and when a possible new water plant will be required. Poggemeyer Design Group will be providing the assistance in development this plan as they have worked with the village’s water system for the past 30 years and has most of the maps, drawings and general water plant plan that is needed to complete the management plan.
This writer is proposing that the village apply for waterline funds to replace the waterline on S. Main Street from W. Daggett to Canal and the section of waterline from E. Canal, starting at S. Erie east to Water Plant Drive. These two areas are old waterline that constantly break. The area near the Post Office and Bank and the S. Curve are causing continual problems. The estimate on these two areas to be replaced would be approximately $304,991.00. The Village would apply for a 50% loan and 50% grant which would result, if funded, in a repayment of $7,624.77 per year for 20 years on the $152,495.50 loan portion of the project. The application is due to the Paulding County Engineer on September 7, 2018. The program is competitive on a county basis but the village did sit out last year and did not submit a request, so I’m hoping we would be seen favorable this year. If funded, we would possible be notified by December or January. The actual project would not be constructed until Summer of 2019 with a first repayment in 2020. An emergency resolution to authorize the Mayor to submit this application and sign any required documentations is included in your council packets for consideration at Monday night’s meeting.
The Ohio Municipal League is encouraging its members to send letters and/or resolutions urging Governor Kasich to invest this year’s projected budget surplus in Ohio local governments. The governor proposed using the projected surplus of $147 million to fund an income tax withholding reduction and an additional $68 million to max out the stat’s rainy day fund. The League has asked local leaders to urge the state to invest these dollars in crucial local services and to close the gap created through past local government fund raids that resulted in a loss of $435 million for municipalities in CY 2015 alone. A copy of the letter signed by Mayor Delong and sent to Governor Kasich is attached to this administrator’s report and will be reported as part of the Mayor’s agenda.