October 1st Utility Billing

If you have not yet received your October 1st utility bill, please be patient. The bills were delivered to the Postmaster in Antwerp on October 1st, but it is now USPS policy to send everything to Columbus for processing. Please be patient as we all adjust to these...

October 1, 2020 Utility Billing Error

ALL WATER BILLS MAILED ON OCTOBER 1, 2020, WITH AN OCTOBER 15 DUE DATE ARE NOT DUE UNTIL NOVEMBER 15TH, 2020.     This was a billing error. Late fees will not be assessed until November 16th.  We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have...


A lamp post was recently discovered at the ViIlage of Antwerp’s compost site in the branch pile.   The compost site is to be used only for vegetation in the form of branches, leaves, straw, and garden waste.  The Village will review the camera video and if it...