Notice of Vacant Council Seat

The Village of Antwerp, Ohio is seeking applications for one vacant seat on the Village Council. This position will serve out the remainder of a term ending this November and will be subject to being filled by general election thereafter. Qualified individuals, being...

Jan Reeb: Council Member

602 North Main Street 419.506.1369           Jan is a lifelong resident of Antwerp and a graduate of AHS. Jan first served the Village as Clerk-Treasurer. After resigning from that position, she ran for and was elected...

Dean Rister: Council President

506 W. River 419.506.0517           Dean is a lifelong resident of the village. He has been faithfully married to his wife Gayle for over 25 years. He graduated from Antwerp High School in 1987 and attended Vantage...

Rudie J. Reeb: Council Member

Rudie J. Reeb 210 West Daggett Street 419.258.4025 home 419.258.0620 cell           Rudie was a local business owner for 21 years. He is a retired vocational teacher. He and his spouse Nancy (deceased) have been married 34 years. Rudie would...