An ordinance to pass preliminary legislation to participate in the second phase of Safe Routes To School will be presented at council Monday night. This ordinance needs to be passed and sent to ODOT by Friday, February 27, 2015. Also included was a maintenance and construction agreement between the village and Antwerp Schools. This agreement gives the village right of entry to construct the sidewalks on actual school property as a part of the second phase. Of course, ODOT is paying for this construction and this agreement is a requirement and formality. The agreement is being signed and passed by the school board at the meeting tonight, Thursday, 2/19/15 and I will have the agreement for the Village to sign at Monday’s meeting.
The two lots that the village received as part of the demolition of two Ed Synder homes on Oswalt can be sold after the village has had possession for 5 years. I have contracted with a surveyor to have these lots surveyed.
An ordinance will be presented at Monday’s meeting to make Archer Drive one-way from N. Main Street to W. River Street. I have personally spoke to all business located on Archer Drive and everyone is in agreement this needs to be done. I have experienced myself how with angel parking, you have to wait for traffic coming east from W. River Street if you are headed west. So this needs to be passed at Monday’s meeting. Signage has been ordered and received to mark this one-way and to also have a do not enter/one-way sign at W. River.
Personnel Committee met with the undersigned and the Mayor on Thursday, February 19, 2015 to review resumes for the fiscal officer’s position.
With the extreme temperatures the last 10 days, the utility department has been busy with frozen meters, burst pipes and a waterline break on E. Woodcox. Attempts to inform the public to leave faucets drip has made some impact, as the calls for assistance has dropped.
The Planning Commission will meet with Planner Randy Mielnik from Poggemeyer to start reviewing commercial zoning for the village. The meeting is set for Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at town hall. The village will be developing zoning that can address business development in areas other than the downtown, specifically on the south end near the 24 exit.
Real Waste Disposal has supplied a list of Excluded items for the once per month bulky waste pick up. This list will be made available to any resident who has questions on what can’t be picked up curb side. This office will be working with Real to develop public notice information for village residents on the change over to village wide pick up over the next 30 days so we will be ready to start in April and bill in April garbage pick up. The billing software has been updated to include this billing and we will over the next 30 days or so prepare a list of empty/abandoned/vacationing, etc., addresses for Real and will update them whenever a change is reported to this office.
If residents have questions on this process please refer them to the Billing Office at 419-258-7075 or to the undersigned at 419-258-2371.
Maumee Valley Planning Organization of Defiance has been working in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Transportation in developing a long range transportation plan for our region. Last year survey forms were completed by council, the mayor and the undersigned which allowed us to respond on what needs or wants the Village would like to see in the way of transportation improvements or adjustments to all aspects of transportation in the region. A public meeting has been scheduled to see the results of these surveys and see what potential projects have been identified. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Paulding County Carnegie Library. A flyer was included in your council packet.