June, 2015
Summit Sweeping submitted an estimate to do the main streets, such as N. & S. Main and E. & W. River before the car show and reunion for a price of $1,500. They would do as much extra to meet the $1,500 on main roads in town. The car show is on July 25th this year and would be nice to have these main areas swept again. They have done an excellent job and I have received numerous compliments on the streets. Let me know Monday night if council wants to go with this estimate or not so it can be scheduled.
The second reading of the cemetery renewal levy will be tonight. Levy needs to be filed with the Board of Elections no later than August 5, 2015 to be on the November election. This levy generates approximately $14,553.00 and is used for cemetery maintenance and operating expenses. This is not a new levy, just a renewal of an existing levy.
Final engineering has been completed on the section of waterline on W. Woodcox and the village will be advertising this project in the Crescent News in the next week or two. OPWC money is to be released July 1st and the project can be advertised at any time. Award for the project will be after the grant/loan agreement is received from OPWC which should be in the coming weeks.
As the loan for the first phase of storm water improvements will be paid off in 2016, it is time for the village to look at a second phase of storm line improvements. After the recent rainfall of approximately 4 ½” in the village, this writer met with Poggemeyer Design Group to start the process of what another storm water improvement phase could cost the village. The first phase, completed in 2017, had a total project cost of $516,250.00. The Village received $275,000.00 in a grant from Ohio Public Works Commission and had a loan for the $241,250.00. The village had established the storm water fund to continue storm water improvements once the first phase was paid off. The annual loan payment is $26,338.92.
Buffalo Street and parts of E. Canal at S. Erie were flood prone during this latest down pour this area will be included in any second phase project developed. There are several areas in the village with poor or limited storm line. W. River Street and W. Woodcox has drainage problems to be included also.
As the village is also looking at sanitary sewer improvements, which include both lift stations, the timing of applications to Ohio Public Works will have to be looked at to see which storm or sanitary sewer projects will be applied for first.
Finance committee will meet with Poggemeyer Design Group to be brought up to date on what all these projects will include, the financing of the projects and when the various deadlines for application are. Council will be kept informed after this meeting is scheduled. Dates for a finance committee meeting with Poggemeyer will be discussed at council Monday night, so bring your calendars.
The village’s annual patching and repaving will get underway as soon as monsoon season is over. Loop Asphalt will get to the village as soon as we get a few days of clear weather.
In talking with Chief Clemens, this writer feels that some type of guidelines need developed to keep substandard residences from being able to be rented out by landlords. There are a few rentals that just shouldn’t be rented out and the village has no way to stop this. Basic necessities, water, heat, electric, etc., should be in working order and many times they aren’t.
Chief Clemens intends to discuss this at Monday night’s meeting. I know the subject of cost in the inspection of these rentals and who would perform the inspections has been a concern. It would be helpful if there were some type of inspection and licensing on the part of the county to ensure rental properties were livable. Further discussion should be held on this topic by council.
The Antwerp Volleyball team has volunteered to paint hydrants and also paint the street sign poles in the downtown area this summer. Paint and supplies will be supplied by the village for the girls and the village greatly appreciates their assistance.