JUNE, 2018
The planned improvements at the water plant has been re-bid with one base bid received. R. G. Zachrich Construction , Inc. from Defiance bid $205,672.00. A resolution to award the bid will be presented tonight. This bid is within 10% of the estimate of $190,000.00. The improvements include replacing the filter media, re-piping and cleaning of the clear well. This should result in better water quality. As the village only received $175, 450.00 from OPWC for this project, the Village is applying to the Ohio Water Development Agency for an additional $67,689.00. This will be a loan for 30 years at approximately 3% interest, could be lower. A resolution allowing the Mayor to submit this application for funding is on the agenda for Monday night. The project must be completed by December 31, 2018 and the project improvements must be made according to EPA.
The records and archives committee met to discuss the purchase of a recorder to record council meetings. The committee agreed that after review of the current public records policy that any recordings of council meetings requested by the public could be supplied either by: 1) sent in an e-mail at no charge or download it onto a CD for a cost of $1.00. Since these guidelines are already in the village’s public records policy no change will be required to our policy.
An Olympus voice recorder will be purchased by the village at an approximate cost of $84.56. The committee approved this purchase and this writer informed the fiscal officer to go ahead and get it ordered. The fiscal officer will be in charge of operating the recorder during council meetings and will take any request from the public for a copy of the recording. The village has a form for the public requesting any type of public record which needs to be filled out and submitted to the Village before a record request is filled.
75 yards of playground approved wood carpet mulch was delivered and spread by the utility department. This writer applied to our insurance company, Public Entities Pool for a $500.00 grant to help offset the cost of this mulch and we were approved. We should receive a check before the end of July. This grant program enables their insured customers to apply for up to $500.00 towards any type of safety equipment or material.
On June 14, 2018 representatives from the Northwest District Office of the Environmental Protection Agency met with the undersigned, fiscal officer Aimee Lichty, Mayor Ray Delong, Water Operator Curtis Nestleroad, Tom Borck and Sid Hoover from Poggemeyer to review every aspect of the operation of the village’s water system. Since the water sanitary visit in 2016 the village has been addressing shortfalls with the aging system and replacing and instituting new operation standards as required by EPA. Additionally as the village just applied to EPA for financial assistance to complete a state legislated asset management plan, this review was required. The following areas were reviewed:
*Source Water Protection Plan
*System Distribution Map
*Backflow Prevention Program Documentation
*Water Audit Records/Report
*Operation and Maintenance Plan
*Contingency Plan
*Asset Management Plan (This Plan is currently in Process/must be completed by 10/1/18)
*Asset Inventory
*Budget for Water Fund
*Capital Improvement Plan
*Water Fund Projects
*Water Rate Ordinances
*Procedures or Policy Manual on Operating/Servicing Customer Accounts
*Statement of Revenues & Expenditures Water Enterprise Fund
The Village is in excellent standing on all of these issues and all documentation was provided to EPA that they requested. The water improvements currently planned for this summer is an integral part of our compliance with EPA. The undertaking of the asset management plan will be labor intensive and will require engineered cost estimates for potential plant and equipment replacement which is the ultimate goal of the plan to ensure that communities are anticipating both major and minor repair and replacement of the water systems.
I was contacted by residents on Mervin concerning two property owned by Fritz Ehrhart, 104 and 107 Mervin. Both these properties are vacant and in disrepair. The resident stated that ground hogs and raccoons have been seen going in and out of these properties and she is concerned that these unkept properties are causing a safety and health issue. I and the Mayor have tried to speak to Fritz about the condition of these homes to no avail. I had suggested that the 104 Mervin home be submitted to the Paulding County Land Bank for demolition, but Fritz would not sign the property over. The village does have an ordinance to declare a property deplorable, but the end result is in demolition. If the property owner doesn’t correct the unsafe or insecure conditions, the Chief of Police shall give written notice by certified mail, to the legal owners of the dwelling directing them to affect the repairs necessary within 30 days of the receipt of the notice. There is an appeal process if the owner disagrees with the determination of unsafe or insecure of his building. If no appeal is filed within the 30 days and council affirms the findings of the Chief of Police that the building is a public nuisance, council can order the Village Administrator to advertise for bids for the demolition and removal of the building and/or swelling (demolition cost not to exceed $25,000). If the owner appeals in the proper state court, then all proceedings shall be stayed pending final determination by the court or appellate courts.
The cost connected with the demolition and removal shall be paid by the owner of the premises within 90 days after demolition. If not paid in 90 days the fiscal Officer of the Village of Antwerp shall certify to the Auditor of Paulding County, Ohio the total costs of such demolition or removal and place the costs on the tax list and duplicate of the property, etc.
These two properties have not been declared by the Chief of Police to be unsafe or insecure as of this date, but I’m sure they will meet this definition. I am requesting of council for direction on how to proceed on these two dwellings as all contact with the owner have failed.
This writer submitted 2 properties in Antwerp, the Snyder property at 112-114 E. Woodcox and the Miller property located at 109 E. Daggett to the County Commissioners to be considered for their land bank. Both property owners did sign these properties over to the county and they will proceed in having the structures demolished.