Reminder of the upcoming meeting to introduce the Maumee River Water Trail to local citizens is scheduled to be held at the Paulding County Public Library on Monday, February 13 from 5:30 to 7:00pm.  For those who may not be able to attend and would like to see a video of the highlights, please follow this link:

Please also see the draft proposals for signage and the brochure that will become a part of the program.  Please take note that a formal public launch site will be made available at Forder Bridge, and an additional site is being evaluated for eastern Paulding County.

Plans continue to be made to improve the launch site area for this coming year at Riverside Park in Antwerp.


Click here to download a pdf of the proposed draft of the Maumee River Water Trail signage.

Click here to download a pdf of the proposed draft of the Maumee River Water Trail brochure.

Watertrail Signage-page-001      draft Maumee River Water Trail Brochure-page-001      draft Maumee River Water Trail Brochure-page-002