WHEREAS, the Village of Antwerp, Ohio (“Village”) is in need of expanding the parking, updating water and/or storm sewer improvements, constructing handicap accessible sidewalk, and/or resurfacing the street, said improvements to begin at the intersection of South Main Street and Railroad Street and terminate at Railroad Street and Cleveland Street (“Railroad Street project”);

WHEREAS, the Council of the Village passed a resolution, Resolution No. 2022-02, by an emergency measure at its regular meeting held on March 21 , 2022, said resolution supporting the Railroad Street project; and

WHEREAS, the Village applied for a grant with the Ohio Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) program by and through the Paulding County Commissioners for the Railroad Street project; and

WHEREAS, the grant has been awarded to the Village, and the grant funds will be used to partially fund the Railroad Street project; and

WHEREAS, the Council of the Village authorizes the expenditure of funds, which a portion of said funds will be provided by the CDBG awarded to the Village for said project, and directs the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Maumee Valley Planning Organization, to solicit bids for the work associated with the Railroad Street project, including but not limited to installation of a new two-inch (2″) waterline, removal and replacement of concrete curbs, installation of gutters and ADA ramps, storm sewer repair, tile repair, and street grinding / resurfacing; and

WHEREAS, this Council authorizes the Village Administrator to contract for said work following the process set forth in Ohio Revised Code S 731.141.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Village of Antwerp, Paulding County, Ohio:

Section 1. It is hereby found that the Village is in need of expanding the parking, updating water and/or storm sewer improvements, constructing handicap accessible sidewalk, and/or resurfacing the street, said improvements to begin at the intersection of South Main Street and Railroad Street and terminate at Railroad Street and Cleveland Street, and Council authorizes the expenditure of funds for the work associated with the Railroad Street project, which a portion of said funds will be provided by the CDBG awarded to the Village for said project.

Section 2. The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the Village for the work associated with the Railroad Street project, such advertisement to notify potential bidders that the specifications and bid documents for the Railroad Street project will be available for bidders to review and submit bids in response thereto.

Section 3. The Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Maumee Valley Planning Organization, is hereby instructed and directed to cause legal notice to bidders to be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village for the Village to solicit bids for the work associated with the Railroad Street project.

Section 4. The Village Administrator shall make a written contract with the lowest and best bidder responding fully to the advertisement for bids, the bid specifications, and the bid documents made available to potential bidders, and the contract shall be executed in the name of the Village and signed on its behalf by the Village Administrator and Village Fiscal Officer. The Village Administrator may reject any and all bids.

Section 5. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning or relating to the passage of this Ordinance were adopted in open meetings of this Council, and that all deliberations of the Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Section 6. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure, necessary to expedite the bidding process relating to the Railroad Street project, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage; otherwise, it shall take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law.

Date:  03/20/2023

Jan Reeb, Mayor of the Village of Antwerp

Attest:  Kevin Hornish, Fiscal Officer