Please note with the new trash contract, residents will be able to set out larger items for pick-up on the first Thursdays of every month. Please note do not place these items out days before the pick-up. The Village is receiving phone calls from neighborhoods noting trash set out all week long. The earliest trash should be set out at the curb is the night before the pick-up. Additionally, if a cart is not being used, trash bags with food scraps should not be set out until the morning of pick up to avoid animals from getting in the bags.
Carpet pieces should be rolled up and tied to make it so it can be handled by one worker. Carpet left out in the rain will not be picked up.
Additionally, the large pick up regulations mean the items that normally wouldn’t be able to be set out for trash, can be once per month. This means items like chairs, mattresses, etc., not additional normal garbage bags. Large pick up means larger items that don’t normally go in a trash bag.
Please try to respect your neighbors and not place trash out a week before pick-up. If you have any questions on what is allowable to set out for large pick-up day, please contact the village administrator’s office at 419-258-2371.