DECEMBER 20, 2021

The regular meeting of the Village of Antwerp council was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Jan Reeb. Council persons present: Dean Rister, Rudie Reeb, Kenneth Reinhart, Mike Rohrs, Bryan Smith, and Keith West.

Also in attendance: Solicitor Melanie Farr, Village Administrator Brian Davis, Fiscal Officer Aimee Lichty, and Police Chief George Clemens. Visitors: Gabe Oberlin, Steve Jordan, Bill Boylan, and Bryce Steiner.

Minutes from the regular council meeting held November 23, 2021, were reviewed.

  • motion made by Reinhart, seconded by Rister, to accept the minutes from the November 23, 2021, regular council meeting. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Minutes from the special council meeting held December 1, 2021, were reviewed.

  • motion made by Rohrs, seconded by west, to accept the minutes from the December 1, 2021, special council meeting. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

The November disbursements were reviewed.

  • motion made by Reinhart, seconded by Rister, to accept the November reconciliation report. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.


Gabe Oberlin was in attendance to explain and answer any questions on the zoning map and zoning ordinance amendments.  The planning and zoning commission passed a motion to add 316 s. Main Street to be rezoned from r-2 to b-1. This rezoning classification is consistent with property’s use and those properties near it.  This rezoning amendment was not part of the public hearing notice and solicitor farr advised that a public hearing would still need conducted in order to comply with article 700 of the zoning ordinance on amending the zoning map.  Council will schedule a public hearing on this recommendation to amend the zoning map to rezone property at 316 s. Main Street.  Administrator smith will send out notices to those property owners required in section 709 of the zoning ordinance and publish a notice in the paper on the public hearing.  The reading of the ordinance amending the zoning map tonight will only include the 22 parcels that were part of the notice for the November 26th public hearing.

Police report

Police chief Clemens provided a written report showing 76 calls for service for the month of November with 23 offenses. Discussion on potential fines for passing a stopped school bus.

EMS Report

EMS coordinator-clerk Ashley McDougall provided a written report showing 166 outstanding runs. Ems had 27 runs in November.  Collections in November were $7,721.16. A year-to-date total of collections is $68,826.24 with a year-to-date run total of 296 runs.

EMS coordinator-clerk Ashley McDougall provided information to the mayor on certifying EMS debts to Ohio attorney general’s office for collection.  The mayor shared this information with solicitor Farr.  Solicitor Farr informed council of the local government debt collection business rules provided by the Ohio attorney general’s office.  Council asked solicitor Farr to prepare a resolution for the January meeting to obtain assistance from the Ohio Attorney General’s office on collection of past due EMS debt and to authorize the mayor to enter into a delinquent debt collection agreement with the Ohio attorney general for this purpose.

Fiscal Officer’s Report

Third and final reading of Ordinance 2021-22: an ordinance to establish the time and place of regular meetings of the council for the village of Antwerp, Paulding County, Ohio, for calendar year 2022

  • motion made by West, seconded by Rister, to accept ordinance no. 2021-22. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Second reading of Ordinance 2021-23: an ordinance adopting an amendment to the personnel manual for the Village of Antwerp, Ohio, specifically, an amendment to section xxi entitled “holidays” to add the nineteenth of June as a holiday

Emergency reading of Ordinance 2021-24: an ordinance authorizing the village fiscal officer to transfer $38,000.00 from the general fund to the police fund, and declaring the same an emergency

  • motion made by Rister, seconded by Reinhart, to suspend the rules regarding ordinance no. 2021-24. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.
  • motion made by Rister, seconded by Rudie Reeb, to accept ordinance no. 2021-24. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Emergency reading of Ordinance 2021-25: an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a written modification of the lease agreement with Pioneer Lines for the lease of the land for operation of a parking lot, and declaring the same an emergency

  • motion made by Rohrs, seconded by West, to suspend the rules regarding ordinance no. 2021-25. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.
  • motion made by West, seconded by Rohrs, to accept ordinance no. 2021-25. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Emergency reading of Ordinance 2021-26: an ordinance amending the official zoning map of the village of Antwerp, Ohio, to rezone certain parcels in the village of Antwerp, Ohio, and declaring the same an emergency

  • motion made by Rohrs, seconded by West, to suspend the rules regarding ordinance no. 2021-26. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.
  • motion made by Rohrs, seconded by West, to accept ordinance no. 2021-26. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Emergency reading of Ordinance 2021-27: an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance of the village of Antwerp, Ohio to amend article 300 – establishment and purpose of districts, specifically to amend b-2 gateway commercial districts, including but not limited to permitted, conditional, accessory uses (and the table associated with this section), yard requirements, exterior building materials, signage, and screening, and declaring the same an emergency

  • motion made by Rohrs, seconded by Rister, to suspend the rules regarding ordinance no. 2021-27. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.
  • motion made by Reeb, seconded by Reinhart, to accept ordinance no. 2021-27. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Emergency reading of Resolution 2021-13: a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into an Ohio department of development water and wastewater infrastructure program grant agreement to accept an award of grant funds, and declaring the same an emergency

  • motion made by Rister, seconded by Reinhart, to suspend the rules regarding resolution no. 2021-13. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.
  • motion made by Rohrs, seconded by Rister, to accept resolution no. 2021-13. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

Emergency reading of Resolution 2021-14: a resolution supporting the south Erie Street sidewalks project, and declaring the same an emergency

  • motion made by Rister, seconded by West, to suspend the rules regarding resolution no. 2021-14. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.
  • motion made by West, seconded by Rohrs, to accept resolution no. 2021-14. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

RITA tax collection for the month of November, paid in December, was $26,682.06.

Paulding County Economic Development, Inc., memberships are due for 2022.  Finance committee recommended to council to renew membership at gold level of $1,000.00 for 2022.

  • motion made by West, seconded by Rister, to approve gold level membership of $1,000.00 for 2022 membership in Paulding County Economic Development, Inc.

Administrator’s Report

Grant update

The village received a grant from the Ohio Department of Development for $49,000.  This will cover the engineering cost for the water plant improvements.  The ARP’S funding that was set aside will be used on another qualified project.

Village internet fiber

Metalink Technologies has requested rights to the public rights-of-way through the village for deployment of a fiber to the home connectivity buildout. Metalink’s sister company Qualstar Communications, Inc. Is a licensed competitive local exchange carrier, under the public utilities commission of Ohio. The fiber would be ultimately owned by Qualstar; however, Metalink would be providing the end customer’s service.  The Metalink brand is a much better-known entity, hence the desire to have Metalink provide the service.  Metalink has asked the village to help get the message out with a joint letter explaining the buildout.  Administrator Davis shared with phil at Metalink that should this project move forward, the village would assist in sharing the news to the village residents.

Solar energy

Administrator Davis is beginning the process of reviewing with solar providers the value if the village would choose to build out a solar array much like Antwerp village schools currently utilize.  Details will be forthcoming.

Veterans Park

All trees have been removed at a cost $8,470.00.

Park donation

The donation letter has been signed.  ACDC will present the check the first of next month.

Administrator Davis also informed council that there will be engineering fees in 2022 for Railroad Street and South Erie Street sidewalks.

Committee Reports


New Business

Council asked solicitor Farr to request a letter of opinion from the attorney general’s office on whether the village can do business with a member of council.  Fiscal Officer Lichty informed council that she spoke with the state auditor’s office and was informed that the village could do business with a council member but that council member would have to abstain from voting on the financial reports each month; however, the state auditor’s office informed the fiscal officer that the council member could not abstain from all financials every month.  Finance chairperson Rister and Village Administrator Davis thought it best to obtain a letter of opinion from the attorney general’s office on this issue before council makes a decision on future printing needs of the village.

Old Business


Mayor’s Report

Mayor’s court brought in a total of $1,785 in the month of November 2021 with $1,349.75 going to the village, $450.00 going to the state, and $18.00 going to the indigent driver’s fund.

2021 Village Accomplishments

Entered into a contractual agreement for professional engineering services by Jones & Henry for a new village water plant at a cost of $49,000.

Entered into an agreement for the replacement of catch basins, and the raising of manhole covers on North and South Main Street at a cost of $35,450.00.

Entered into an agreement with Paulding County Engineer and Griffin Pavement Stripping to stripe East and West River Street (424) at a cost of $7,416.40.

Entered into an engineering agreement with Dixon Engineering for the inspection of the village water tower at a cost of $3,200.

The village received a grant from the Ohio Department of Development in the amount of $49,000.  This covers the engineering fees for the village water plant.  This study should be completed by the end of January 2022.

Tap grant request was made for a sidewalk that would connect Erie Street to the dollar general. Engineering estimate is $63,950.00. The village has been invited by ODOT to file a full draft due by 1/31/22.

Grant request was made for work on Railroad Street. The work would include new sidewalks, waterline, resurfacing the street, and stripping. Engineers estimate is approximately $60,000.

Grant request has been made for work to Shaffer Road.  Engineers estimated cost to repair the slippage and reconstruct the effected portion of Shaffer Road is approximately $1,600,000.

The village is beginning the process of reviewing solar power.  Much like the Antwerp School solar array, like systems are available to villages.  The village will discuss options with differing companies to determine if there is adequate value in proceeding.

Council will hold a special meeting on December 30, 2021, 8:00 a.m. at town hall. Notice will be posted on the items for this meeting.

  • motion made by Rister, seconded by West, to adjourn the meeting. 5 yeas, 1 nay. Motion carried and approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.


Fiscal officer___________________________________                 date________________