A public hearing on the new state law allowing medical marijuana was held at village hall on June 20, 2017. Minutes from that hearing are attached. The Village council members in attendance and this writer agreed to investigate and become familiar with the new state law before making any final judgment on the ordinance to prohibit the sale, processing, and cultivation of medical marijuana in the Village. It should be noted that according to our zoning ordinance guidance, the village must act within 30 days after the public hearing by either adopting or denying the recommendation or adopting some modification thereof. Action will need to be taken, one way or the other Monday night.
The main issue seems to be that municipalities must act on whether or not to allow sale, processing or cultivation of medical marijuana before September 8th of this year although all rules and regulations pertaining to medical marijuana have not been determined.
Since the June 20th meeting, several issues pertaining to how the state will regulate and enforce medical marijuana has been decided:
- The State Board of Pharmacy may issue up to sixty (60) dispensary provisional licenses.
- A $70,000 nonrefundable operating fee, renewable every two years.
- A $5,000 licensing fee, a $500 fee for each associated key employee, $250 for each key employee and $400 for each support employee
- 15% of dispensaries must be minority-owned.
- All dispensaries must have extensive security, cameras, vetting of potential owners, employees, change in ownership or employees, etc.
- The State is currently working on interstate compact agreements between Ohio and contiguous states like Indiana, Michigan, etc.
Draft rules have been filed by the State Medical Board, Ohio Department of Commerce and State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy to the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review. The draft rules can be found on the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program’s website: medicalmarijuana.ohio.gov
In reviewing the draft rules, it is evident that the dispensaries, processing, and cultivation will be stringent. Cultivation rules have already been adopted and the application deadline has already passed and the state will award 12 Level I and up to 12 Level II certificates of operation. The application period has already closed. A list of all that have applied can also be found on the website.
It is felt we will have a lengthy discussion on how the village should proceed on medical marijuana at Monday night’s council meeting and we will have local citizens in attendance. If you can I would request that you go to the medicalmarijuana.ohio.gov to review the draft rules. I do have a copy of the draft rules in my office for anyone that would like a copy.
Oley has sold another lot in the Maumee Landing subdivision. Planning Commission has been notified of this sale and voted to approve the acceptance of Phase 5, Lot 6 final plat to be accepted by council. The acceptance of this plat will allow for the lot to transfer to the new owner, who has an approved zoning permit for a new house.
After research, it was found that the park can be renamed by council and it is proposed that the park be renamed: “Riverside Veteran’s Memorial Park”. The ordinance will receive three readings, with the first reading scheduled for Monday night.
After discussion on parking lot problems on the lot owned by the Village on W. River Street, a utility committee meeting was held on June 23, 2017, to look at possible solutions. The problems at the lot were caused by disabled vehicles being let in the lot tying up limited parking for local business. The committee felt they did not want to introduce a new ordinance to deal with this as the Ohio Basic Code currently has a section to address disabled vehicles left on public lots. The committee will recommend to council that we follow the basic code section 95.05 which states disabled vehicles that are left for more than 48 hours in a public lot must contact the Chief of Police to explain the reason for leaving the vehicle in the lot.
The committee would ask the police department to keep an eye on the lot and if problems continue, 48-hour signs will be posted.
The Paulding County Hospital conducted a ground breaking on July 12, 2017, for their new medical office and exercise room. The Village also conducted a public hearing on their request for a conditional use permit on June 21, 2017, at Village Hall. The lots where the hospital intends to build is zoned R-1, single family. Medical offices are an allowable conditional use. No objection to the conditional use permit was received and the conditional use permit was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The hospital wants to have the new building completed preferably by the end of the year or first quarter of 2018.
As a part of the Ohio Budget Bill passing, business taxpayers can elect to file municipal net profit returns with the Ohio Department of Taxation, effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The Ohio Tax Commissioner will charge .5% fee to municipalities for dollars collected and distribute once a month to municipalities. The bill also eliminates the net profit sales throwback rule also effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The bill moves the due date for an individual’s fourth quarter estimate from December 15th to January 15th – while keeping the due date at December 15th for non-individuals. Finally, it requires municipalities to adopt updated income tax ordinances by January 31st, 2018 to reflect the newly created sections of R.C. Chapter 718.