WHEREAS,    the Village of Antwerp seeks funding from the Ohio Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) program by and through the Paulding County Commissioners to expand the parking, update water and/or storm sewer improvements, construct handicap accessible sidewalk, and/or resurface the street, said improvements to begin at the intersection of South Main Street and Railroad Street and terminate at Railroad Street and Cleveland Street (“Railroad Street project”);


WHEREAS, the Village of Antwerp will provide design services and pay for all construction costs beyond the amount of grant funding available if the Village receives the CDBG award for this purpose; and


WHEREAS, the funding for the Railroad Street project would enhance expansion and parking in the Village’s downtown district by providing additional parking (angled parking), any necessary improvements to water and/or storm sewer services, handicap accessible sidewalk, as well as resurfacing Railroad Street from South Main Street to Cleveland Street; once the improvements are complete, traffic flow will change from bi-directional to one way (eastbound) on Railroad Street.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Antwerp, County of Paulding, State of Ohio:


Section 1. The Council of the Village of Antwerp hereby supports the Railroad Street project as a means to enhance expansion and parking in the Village’s downtown district.


Section 2. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning or relating to the passage of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Council, and that all deliberations of this Council and any of its Committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.


Section 3.  This Resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of the Village and for the further reason that the Village needs to provide the improvements stated herein for the Railroad Street project in order to enhance expansion and parking within the downtown district, and this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage; otherwise, it shall take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law.


Passed this ____ day of ____________, 2022.



Jan Reeb, Mayor





Aimee Lichty, Fiscal Officer