To:       Village Residents

From:  Brian Davis – Administrator

Date:   July 31, 2023

Re:      Low to Moderate Income Survey

As the village looks to make much needed repairs, grants are the primary funding source to assist in defraying this cost.  The state and federal government requires a Low to Moderate Income survey to be completed every 5 years. In 2021, the village performed a survey, but received a limited number of replies.  From this survey, our Low to Moderate Income score was 49.68%.  The overall score must be 51%, or greater, to qualify for these grants.  It is essential for each household to return the completed form included with this cover letter.  This information is confidential and only shared with the state for the purpose of calculating our percentage.

To encourage the completion and return of this the form to the below address, the village will apply a $25 credit as an incentive to your future water bill. 

You may place the form in a sealed envelope in the administrator’s box as you enter the village hall or mail it.  The completed form must be postmarked no later than 8/31/2023.


Mailed to:                                                                                           Dropoff:

Village of Antwerp                                                                         Antwerp Village Hall

Utility Clerk-LMI                                                                            118 North Main Street

PO Box 1046                                                                                    Antwerp, OH  45813

Antwerp, OH  45813                                                                      Place in Administrators box


Paulding County Income Survey 2023