The Village of Antwerp has received notification that their application for a $100,000 public safety grant through the State of Ohio has been awarded.  Administrator Keeran had informed council that she had been made aware of a Safety Grant available by the State of Ohio and informed Fire Chief Ray Friend of the possibility of applying for the Tanker Truck that the fire department was looking for funding for.  An estimate for a new tanker was obtained by Chief Friend in the amount of $200,359.00.  As the tanker truck serves not only the Village but Carryall Township and part of Harrison Township, this looked like a good project to submit an application on.  This safety grant gives more weight on collaborative efforts.  Administrator Keeran stated the village will receive $100,000.00 and that Carryall Township has agreed to provide $17,000.00 per year for 10 years to assist in paying for the $100,359.00 match and assisting in providing financial support for the maintenance on the new tanker.